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Set up a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure

You can use a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure for Build stages in Harness CI pipelines. To do this, you need to:

  1. Set up the Kubernetes cluster to use as your build infrastructure.
  2. Create a Kubernetes cluster connector and install the Harness Delegate.
  3. Configure the build infrastructure in Harness.
Architecture diagram

The following diagram shows the architecture of a kubernetes cluster build infrastructure. You interact with the Harness Platform through your browser. The Harness Delegate, which is installed in your Kubernetes cluster, manages communication between the Harness Platform and the Kubernetes pod where the pipeline's build farm is running. While the pipeline runs, the build farm communicates with your codebase, such as GitHub, and container registry, such as Docker Hub.

You must install the Harness Delegate in the same cluster you use for the build farm. The Delegate creates the namespace harness-delegate, and you use that namespace for both the Delegate and build farm. You can change the namespace name if you like.

Video summary

Here's a short video that walks you through adding a Harness Kubernetes Cluster connector and Harness Kubernetes delegate. The delegate is added to the target cluster, then the Kubernetes Cluster connector uses the delegate to connect to the cluster.

For a step-by-step guide, go to Tutorial - Build and test on a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster to use for builds. For instructions on creating clusters, go to:

Make sure your Kubernetes cluster meets the following requirements:

Docker-in-Docker requires privileged mode

If your build process needs to run Docker commands, Docker-in-Docker (DinD) with privileged mode is necessary when using a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.

If your Kubernetes cluster doesn't support privileged mode, you'll need to use another build infrastructure, such as Harness Cloud or a VM build infrastructure. Other infrastructure types allow you to run Docker commands directly on the host.

Build and Push steps require root access

With Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures, Build and Push steps use kaniko. Kaniko requires root access to build the Docker image. It doesn't support non-root users.

If your build runs as non-root, you can run individual Build and Push steps as root by setting Run as User to 0 on a specific Build and Push step to use the root user for that individual step only.

If your security policy doesn't allow running as root, you can use the Builah plugin to build and push with non-root users instead of the built-in Build and Push steps.

Use mTLS on Kubernetes infrastructure

In order to use mTLS on a Kubernetes delegate for CI, you will need to ensure you have these minimum required versions:

ServiceMinimum Version Required

Create headless service for Istio MTLS STRICT mode

If you use Istio MTLS STRICT mode, you need to add a headless service to the Kubernetes namespace where you will install the Harness Delegate. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: headless
clusterIP: None
- protocol: TCP
port: 20001
targetPort: 20001

Istio ProxyConfig

If the delegate is unable to connect to the created build farm with Istio MTLS STRICT mode, and you see that the pod is removed after a few seconds, you might need to add Istio ProxyConfig with "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true.

This setting delays application start until the pod is ready to accept traffic so that the delegate doesn't attempt to connect before the pod is ready. to do this, it injects the sidecar at the start of the pod's container list and configures it to block all other containers from starting until the proxy is ready.

You can add the Istio ProxyConfig as a pod annotation, for example: '{ "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true }'

We don't recommend using Harness CI with GKE Autopilot due to Docker-in-Docker limitations and potential cloud cost increases.

Autopilot clusters do not allow privileged pods, which means you can't use Docker-in-Docker to run Docker commands, since these require privileged mode.

Additionally, GKE Autopilot sets resource limits equal to resource requests for each container. This can cause your builds to allocate more resources than they need, resulting in higher cloud costs with no added benefit.

GKE Autopilot cloud cost demonstration

Consider the following CI stage:

Assume that you configure your stage resources as follows:

  • Redis (service dependency in Background step): 5GB, 2 CPU
  • s1 step: 2GB, 2 CPU
  • s2 step: 3GB, 1 CPU
  • s3 step: 4GB, 1 CPU
  • s4 step: 2GB, 1 CPU
  • s5 step: 2GB, 1 CPU

Kubernetes would allocate a pod based on the maximum requirements for the overall stage. In this example, the peak requirement is when the s3, s4, and s5 steps run in parallel. The pod also needs to run the Redis service at the same time. The total maximum requirements are the sum of Redis + s3 + s4 + s5:

  • 5 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 13GB Memory
  • 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 CPUs

GKE Autopilot calculates resource requirements differently. For containers, it sets resource limits equivalent to resource requests. For pods, it sums all step requirements in the stage, whether they're running in parallel or not. In this example, the total maximum requirements are the sum of Redis + s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5:

  • 5 + 2 + 2+ 4 + 4 + 4 = 17GB Memory
  • 2 + 1 + 1+ 1 + 1 + 1 = 7 CPUs

Autopilot might be cheaper than standard Kubernetes if you only run builds occasionally. This can result in cost savings because some worker nodes are always running in a standard Kubernetes cluster. If you're running builds more often, Autopilot can increase costs unnecessarily.

Create a Kubernetes cluster connector and install the delegate

A Kubernetes Cluster connector creates a connection between Harness and your Kubernetes cluster. This connector works through a Harness Delegate that you will install on a pod in your cluster.

  1. In a Harness CI project, select Connectors under Project Settings.

  2. Select New Connector, and then select Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Enter a name for the connector and select Continue.

  4. Select Use the credentials of a specific Harness Delegate, and then select Continue.

  5. Select Install new Delegate.

  6. Install the delegate on a pod in your Kubernetes cluster.

    You can use a Helm Chart, Terraform, or Kubernetes Manifest to install Kubernetes delegates. For details and instructions for each of these options, go to Delegate installation overview.

    You must install the Harness Delegate in the same cluster you use for the build farm. The Delegate creates the namespace harness-delegate, and you use that namespace for both the delegate and build farm. You can change the namespace name if you like.

  7. After installing the delegate, return to the Harness UI and select Verify to test the connection. It might take a few minutes to verify the Delegate. Once it is verified, exit delegate creation and return to connector setup.

  8. In the connector's Delegates Setup, select Only use Delegates with all of the following tags.

  9. Select your new Kubernetes delegate, and then select Save and Continue.

  10. Wait while Harness tests the connection, and then select Finish.

Configure the build infrastructure in Harness

In Harness, create or edit a pipeline, and switch to the YAML editor, locate the CI stage, and then configure stage.spec.infrastructure. At minimum, you must include type, connectorRef, namespace, and os, as well as the default value for automountServiceAccountToken and nodeSelector. For example:

- stage:
name: build
identifier: build
description: ""
type: CI
cloneCodebase: true
type: KubernetesDirect ## Specifies the infrastructure type as Kubernetes.
automountServiceAccountToken: true ## This is the default value for this setting. Harness automatically includes this setting if you don't include it.
nodeSelector: {} ## This is empty by default. Harness automatically includes this setting if you don't include it.
os: Linux ## Set the OS as 'Linux' or 'Windows'.
## Include additional advanced settings if required.
  • type: KubernetesDirect
  • spec.connectorRef: Enter your Kubernetes cluster connector ID.
  • spec.namespace: Enter the Kubernetes namespace to use when this build runs. You can also use runtime input (<+input>) or an expression for the namespace. Your Kubernetes delegate can be in a different namespace than the one defined here.
  • spec.os: Specify the OS, Linux or Windows. For more information about Windows builds, go to Run Windows builds in a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.
  • Advanced settings: If necessary, configure any advanced settings, as described below. Review the details of each setting to understand whether it is required for your configuration.


You can add a list of volumes you want to mount onto the pod where the stage runs.

  • Mount Path: Enter the path to the volume.
  • Type: Select Empty Directory, Host Path, or Persistent Volume Claim.
  • If Type is Empty Directory, you can specify the storage Medium and volume's maximum memory Size.
  • If Type is Host Path, you must specify Path and you can specify an optional Path Type.
  • If Type is Persistent Volume Claim, you must specify a Claim Name and whether the volume is Read Only.

The following YAML example shows two Empty Directory volumes that would be used for PostgreSQL data.

- mountPath: /tmp/pgdata1
type: EmptyDir
medium: ""
- mountPath: /tmp/pgdata2
type: EmptyDir
medium: ""

Service Account Name

Specify a Kubernetes service account that you want step containers to use when communicating with the Kubernetes API server. Leave this field blank if you want to use the namespace's default service account. You must set this field in any of the following cases:

  • Your build infrastructure runs on EKS, you have an IAM role associated with the service account, and the stage has a step that uses a Harness AWS connector with IRSA. For more information, go to the AWS documentation on IAM Roles for Service Accounts.
  • Your Build stage has steps that communicate with any external services using a service account other than the default. For more information, go to the Kubernetes documentation on Configure Service Accounts for Pods.
  • Your Kubernetes cluster connector inherits authentication credentials from the Delegate.

Automount Service Account Token

By default, this option is selected and Kubernetes mounts a token for the Service Account when it creates a pod, which enables the pod to communicate with the Kubernetes API server. When this option is not selected, the service account token is not mounted.


You can add Kubernetes labels, as key-value pairs, to the pods in your infrastructure. Labels are useful for searching, organizing, and selecting objects with shared metadata. You can find pods associated with specific stages, organizations, projects, pipelines, builds, or any custom labels you want to query, for example:

kubectl get pods -l stageID=mycibuildstage

For more information, go to the Kubernetes documentation on Labels and Selectors.

Custom label values must use the following regex in order to be generated:


Harness adds the following labels automatically:

  • stageID: See pipeline.stages.stage.identifier in the Pipeline YAML.
  • stageName: See in the Pipeline YAML.
  • orgID: See pipeline.orgIdentifier in the Pipeline YAML.
  • projectID: See pipeline.projectIdentifier in the Pipeline YAML.
  • pipelineID: See pipeline.identifier in the Pipeline YAML.
  • pipelineExecutionId: To find this, go to a CI Build in the Harness UI. The pipelineExecutionID is near the end of the URL path, between executions and /pipeline, for example:


You can add Kubernetes annotations to the pods in your infrastructure. An annotation can be small or large, structured or unstructured, and can include characters not permitted by labels. For more information, go to the Kubernetes documentation on Annotations.

Container Security Context

Configure the Security Context for the stage (pod) and steps (containers):

  • Privileged: Run all containers with the --privileged flag enabled. This flag is disabled by default. You can override this setting in individual Run and Test steps.
  • Allow Privilege Escalation: When enabled, a process can gain more privileges than its parent process. This setting determines whether the no_new_privs flag gets set on the container process.
  • Add Capabilities: The list of capabilities to add to each step by default, in addition to the runtime defaults. This field corresponds to the capabilities: add option in Kubernetes.
  • Drop Capabilities: The list of capabilities that must be dropped from each step. This field corresponds to the capabilities: drop option in Kubernetes.
  • Read-Only Root Filesystem: Run all steps with a read-only root filesystem that has no writable layer.
  • Run as Non-Root and Run as User: Go to Run as non-root or a specific user.

Run as non-root or a specific user

You can use the Run as Non-Root and Run as User settings to run builds as a non-root user or a specific user ID. These settings override the default Linux user ID for containers running in the build infrastructure. This is useful if your organization requires containers to run as a specific user with a specific set of permissions.


Using a non-root user can require other changes to your pipeline.

With a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, all Build and Push steps use kaniko. This tool requires root access to build the Docker image. It doesn't support non-root users.

If you enable Run as Non-Root, then you must:

  • Run the Build and Push step as root by setting Run as User to 0 on the Build and Push step. This will use the root user for that individual step only.
  • If your security policy doesn't allow running as root for any step, you must use the Buildah Drone plugin to build and push with non-root users.
  • Run as Non-Root: Enable this option to run all steps as a non-root user. If enabled, you must specify a default user ID for all containers in the Run as User field.
  • Run as User: Specify a user ID, such as 1000, to use for all containers (steps) in the pod (stage). You can also set Run as User values for individual steps. If you set Run as User on a step, it overrides the build infrastructure Run as User setting.

For more information, go to Configure a security context for a Pod in the Kubernetes docs.

Priority Class

Set the Build stage pod's PriorityClass in case there are resource shortages the host node. You can specify a PriorityClass from your build infrastructure or use the predefined classes system-cluster-critical or system-node-critical, which ensure that the stage is always scheduled first.

If you leave this field blank, the PriorityClass is set to the globalDefault, if your infrastructure has one defined, or 0, which is the lowest priority.

Node Selector

A list of nodeSelectors, which whitelist the set of candidate nodes based on your stage pod's requirements.


You can provide a list of tolerations that allow (but do not require) Build stage pods to be scheduled onto nodes with matching taints. For example:

- effect: NoSchedule
key: key1
operator: Equal
value: value1
- effect: NoSchedule
key: key2
operator: Equal
value: value2

Multiple tolerations with the same key

Keys are reserved keywords used to validate unique FQNs. If you have multiple tolerations with the same key, you must include an identifier to differentiate them. For example:

- identifier: identifier1
effect: NoSchedule
key: key1
operator: Equal
value: value1
- identifier: identifier2
effect: NoSchedule
key: key1
operator: Equal
value: value2

Topology Spread Constraints

A new property, podSpecOverlay, has been introduced in the Kubernetes infrastructure properties within the CI stage, allowing users to apply additional settings to the build pod. Currently, this field supports specifying topologySpreadConstraint, with plans to extend support for additional configurations in the future.

  • podSpecOverlay is currently supported via YAML only. Please use the YAML editor to modify.
  • This feature requires using delegate version 24.09.83900 or higher.

Usage example

  podSpecOverlay: |-
- maxSkew: 3
minDomains: 2
whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
- key: app
operator: In
- my-app
- anotherapp
- key: tier
operator: NotIn
- frontend
- backend
- full-stack

Host Names

A list of HostAliases to set pod-level override of hostname resolution.

Init Timeout

You can set the timeout for the initialization phase. During this phase, Harness downloads the build step images and spins up the containers to execute the build steps.

If you use large images in your Build stage's steps, you might find that the initialization step times out and the build fails when the pipeline runs. In this case, you can increase the init timeout window from the default of 8 minutes.

Override Image Connector

By default, Harness pulls certain images from public Docker Hub repos that are needed to run a build. You can override this by using a Docker connector that downloads the images from the Harness Container Image Registry instead. This option is useful when your default Delegate cannot access the public registry (for example, due to security policies in your organization or if your infrastructure is running in a private cloud).

Run Windows builds on a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure

Go to Run Windows builds in a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.

Use self-signed certificates with a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure

Go to Configure a Kubernetes build farm to use self-signed certificates.

Use delegate selectors with Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure

Although you must select a specific delegate when you create the Kubernetes Cluster connector, you can choose to use a different delegate for executions and cleanups in individual pipelines or stages. To do this, use pipeline-level delegate selectors or stage-level delegate selectors.

Delegate selections take precedence in the following order:

  1. Stage
  2. Pipeline
  3. Connector

This means that if delegate selectors are present at the pipeline and stage levels, then these selections override the delegate selected in the Kubernetes cluster connector's configuration. If a stage has a stage-level delegate selector, then it uses that delegate. Stages that don't have stage-level delegate selectors use the pipeline-level selector, if present, or the connector's delegate.

For example, assume you have a pipeline with three stages called alpha, beta, and gamma. If you specify a stage-level delegate selector on alpha and you don't specify a pipeline-level delegate selector, then alpha uses the stage-level delegate, and the other stages (beta and gamma) use the Connector delegate.


If you use a delegate selector with a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, and your delegate selector specifies a Docker delegate, your Kubernetes cluster connector must be set to Specify Master URL and Credentials.

Kubernetes cluster connectors can't inherit delegate credentials (use the credentials of a specific Harness Delegate) from Docker delegates because they are not in the same environment.

Early access feature: Use delegate selectors for codebase tasks

Currently, delegate selectors for CI codebase tasks is behind the feature flag CI_CODEBASE_SELECTOR. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.

By default, delegate selectors aren't applied to delegate-related CI codebase tasks.

With this feature flag enabled, Harness uses your delegate selectors for delegate-related codebase tasks. Delegate selection for these tasks takes precedence in order of pipeline selectors over connector selectors.

Troubleshoot Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures

Go to the CI Knowledge Base for questions and issues related to Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures, including:

For more questions and issues related to Kubernetes delegates, go to Troubleshooting Harness.